TBA & Associates

State of Colorado

Business Formation Services

Colorado offers a range of compelling advantages for businesses:
  • No Sales Tax
  • No Personal Property Tax
  • No Intangible Property Tax

Colorado Limited Liability Company (LLC)

Colorado boasts a prestigious status for its Limited Liability Company (LLC) statute, making it an excellent choice for entrepreneurs and businesses. Here are some key reasons why Colorado is an attractive destination for forming an LLC:

Colorado law doesn’t necessitate the disclosure of members’ names in the certificate of formation, providing privacy.

Unlike other states, Colorado allows single-member LLCs.

You can establish your LLC in Colorado without the need for physical meetings or visits to the state.

Colorado operating agreements can include provisions that restrict voting rights for some members and exculpate members and managers from personal liability, as well as permit indemnification.

LLCs not conducting business in Colorado are exempt from state income tax. Furthermore, Colorado doesn’t impose income tax or inheritance tax on non-resident members.

Colorado permits maximum flexibility in drafting operating agreements. Companies may be managed by its members or by a manager.

The state permits terms in operating agreements that exculpate managers, members, agents, and employees from personal liability for company management, along with allowing indemnification.

Colorado doesn’t impose any minimum capital requirements for LLCs.

Neither members nor managers need to be US citizens, and ownership units can be held by individuals, corporations, or other business entities, regardless of their origin.

There are no restrictions on the types of legal businesses that a company may engage in.

Incorporating an LLC in Colorado
Tax Advantages

US LLCs offer significant tax advantages, especially for non-US residents, due to the following factors:

  • Members are not US citizens or residents.
  • The LLC does not generate profits in the USA.
  • Business management based outside USA.

This results in the US Colorado LLC being a 100% tax-exempt company, making it an excellent choice for international trading endeavors. It’s important to note that even with the tax-exempt status, you can still use your LLC to purchase products from the USA.

Creating an LLC in the USA has minimal requirements, with just one member and one manager being sufficient – and the same entity can fulfill both roles. Both individuals and corporations can serve as members and managers of your LLC, offering significant flexibility. This means that a single person can simultaneously act as the Member and Manager of the company, eliminating the need for a secretary.

We can assist you in forming your US LLC in any state; however, for your reference, we can provide you with specific details regarding Colorado.

Advantages of incorporating in Colorado
A Tax Haven for Non-US Residents

Colorado is often recognized as the home of many major US companies. However, it’s essential to understand that the US has evolved into an attractive jurisdiction for non-US citizens, thanks to the Colorado Limited Liability Company (LLC).

The Colorado Limited Liability Company (LLC) is a unique business structure that combines characteristics of both a corporation and a limited partnership. Notably, for income tax purposes, a Colorado LLC is entirely disregarded by US tax authorities.

A Colorado LLC is subject to only one tax – the annual Colorado franchise tax of $10/annual

Profits earned by an LLC are passed through to individual owners. While US residents are required to include these profits in their personal tax returns and pay taxes at the individual rate, non-US citizens who don’t file US tax returns can benefit from the fact that the LLC’s income is not subject to US taxation. Of course, if you choose to report the LLC’s income in your home country, you have the flexibility to do so. Importantly, ownership in a Colorado LLC remains entirely private and undisclosed, even to the state of Colorado.

For many types of businesses, incorporating in their home state or country is logical. However, for internet-based businesses, the situation is different. Your online presence is accessible to individuals worldwide, and there’s no fixed location for conducting business. By incorporating in Colorado, you maintain a borderless company status. Since you do not operate in Colorado, you are not liable for corporate taxes in your home state. The only taxes you may need to pay are federal income taxes, or, in the case of a Colorado LLC, no income taxes at all.

With a Colorado corporation or LLC, your business address can be anywhere in the world or even non-existent. Colorado does not require you to provide your address. Furthermore, the state is not interested in the names and addresses of your company’s shareholders, officers, or directors. We only require a shipping address to send your company documents and franchise tax notices. Our address serves as your company’s “registered office” in Colorado, and we forward all official correspondence related to your business to you.

Colorado Limited Liability Company (LLC)
Colorado LLC Tax Advantages

Are you aware of a secure and discreet tax strategy that offers substantial income tax savings for foreign companies operating outside the United States?

This strategy provides a significant opportunity to reduce your income taxes substantially. The approach involves the use of a US Limited Liability Company (LLC) and has already been successfully employed by numerous companies worldwide.

We specialize in forming US companies for international tax planning strategies. Over the past seven years, we have assisted thousands of foreign companies in saving hundreds of thousands of dollars. This strategy can significantly lower your income tax liability.

How you can benefit from forming an LLC in US, State of Colorado!

A US Limited Liability Company (LLC) offers the unique advantage of “flow-through” taxation. Similar to a US corporation in terms of liability protection, for tax purposes, it is treated like a partnership. As a result, the LLC itself does not pay income tax, and instead, all income and expenses flow directly to the owners.

By forming and utilizing a US LLC in conjunction with an offshore company, you can combine the best aspects of onshore and offshore business strategies. A carefully structured LLC allows you to enjoy the tax benefits of an offshore company while maintaining the acceptability of a US entity.

How It Works

To ensure that a US LLC remains tax-free in the United States, it must meet the following criteria: it must not have any income or expenses in the US and must be owned by a foreign company or a non-US citizen residing outside the US.

Once established, your business transactions with your US company counterpart involve receiving invoices from and making payments to the US company. The US LLC, in turn, deposits the funds in its bank account, from where they can be transferred to your offshore company’s bank account. This enables you to spend or invest the funds without incurring tax liability.

TBA Incorporators specializes in forming US companies for use in international tax planning strategies. We have implemented our unique approaches to help foreign companies achieve significant tax advantages over the past seven years. Our services encompass all the essential elements required to form your US LLC and create a credible image that avoids tax authorities’ scrutiny.

Register your Company today!

Our Business Development Team is ready to guide and assist you to discuss all options you have and to provide you with all the support you need to enable you to take the right decision facing your specific needs!

All our Consultancy and Advisory services are completely FREE!

Packages and Prices!


Year 1 Incorporation and service fees.
Optional Services (Bank Account opening, Nominee services, Certification of documents, amongst others).
Annual Renewal service fees for year 2 and subsequent years, to keep your company in good standing and full Compliant at all times.

Our company licensing services

— What we do and do not do

Our company is EXCLUSIVELY engaged in assisting worldwide clients, either individuals or corporate entities, to get duly and properly licensed with local Regulators and Financial Authorities to get respective official licenses to legally carry out their cryptocurrency or financial related business activities.

TBA & Associates Tax Business Advisors does not provide or carry out any sort of Cryptocurrency or Financial services!

Disclaimer: While TBA & Associates strives to make the information on this website as timely and accurate as possible, the information itself is for reference purposes only. You should not substitute the information provided in this article for competent legal advice. Feel free to contact TBA Customer Services for advice on your specific cases.

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